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Lightning New Age Barrier Cream 500ml

Creates an insulating barrier between skin and harsh soils - Has a non-silicone base that is ideal for painters, gardeners, mechanics and farmers (particularly banana sap protection) - Makes hands much easier to clean and prevents skin from drying and cracking.

Package Size: 500ml Pump

Minimum Order Quantity: 10

Carton Quantity: 10
SKU: 055C

Availability: In stock

Price per unit: $16.46



LIGHTNING’S BARRIER CREAM UTILIZES A SPECIAL SOLVENT RESISTANT TO NON GREASY MATERIAL THAT WILL NOT WASH OFF IN WATER OR SOLVENTS. WHEN APPLIED A FEW MINUTES BEFORE WORK, IT HAS THESE MAJOR BENEFITS. •Helping retain your skins own moisture. •Helping prevent thrash and drying substances from being absorbed by your skin •With the addition of Calendula Oil helps sooth and repair damaged skin. The oil from the Calendula flower is an excellent healer. used successfully on mild burns, scars, grazes, sun damage, eczema, dermatitis, rashes and small wounds. The high dosage of infused Calendula oil in Lightning Barrier Cream offers a gentle soothing relief. THE BENEFITS OF CALENDULA OIL AND LANOLIN The medical activity of Calendula Oil helps damaged skin to repair while the Lanolin keeps it on the skin longer to help the absorbsion and healing process. Calendula-infused oil, made from the plant’s bright orange and yellow flowers, is a calming ointment for skin afflictions. Commonly also referred to as “pot marigold” Calendula, is a versatile herbaceous plant that belongs to the Asteraceae plant family. Due to it’s great healing properties many people grow it in their gardens. The herb grows about 9 to 20 inches and can be easily spotted by its bright yellow to orange coloured petals which hold the medicinal properties. Lightning Barrier Cream puts a light, non greasy solvent resistant film on your skin, helping prevent soils from being absorbed into your hands which makes for easier cleaning. The non-silicon base makes it ideal for the painter’s to protect their hands. Another huge benefit of using Lightning Barrier Cream is simply aplly it to hands prior to the commencement of work and this will assist in keeping your skins natural moisture preventing dry damaged skin. The Organic Calendula Oil is an added benefit that helps replenish skins vitality.